Sunday, December 9, 2007

why december 8 is meaningful to me

Re: “Message” from God through Mary
Fr: Rayco, D. (2007 Dec 9). Dubai, UAE

• The Events

(1) December 8, 2004: Feast of the Immaculate Conception (the Patroness of the Philippines)

At around 11:30 PM, while I was already asleep with my family in Montalban (Rodriguez), Rizal, my mobile phone rang. It was Lolong (Thank you, Long!), my former colleague at the University then already working in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) as an Industrial Psychologist at the end of the long distance call. This was the nth time that they promised to call me for his boss to interview me over the phone for a similar job in the same company. The conversation went well, except for a demand from the boss for an immediate arrangement for my flight to Dubai. At that time, I could not tell her that the reason why I was asking for some more months was that my wife was due to give birth to our fourth child and only daughter (we decided to name Daniele Hope) because I did not want to lose the job which I thought I needed desperately for economic survival.

Among other things, the very idea that the call and the closing of the “deal” came at a very important Marian feastday gave me courage and conviction that somehow, this must be God-ordained, i.e., that it was not a coincidence, but a “God-incidence”. I had accompanied this intention with lots of prayers, especially my favorite prayer the holy rosary, so that God’s will be done in this regard.

And so, on February 24, 2005, I landed in Dubai to assume the job of an Industrial Psychologist with a salary that was nearly double what I was getting at the University.

(2) December 8, 2007: (… exactly three years later)

At midnight of this day at around 12:45 (actually, it was already technically December 9), as I lay in my double-deck bed in my accommodation here in Dubai, my wife Carol unusually called up long distance from the Philippines from her mobile phone to mine. This is the first time she called me in the middle of the night after nearly 3 years of my being an Overseas Worker. I thought it was someone calling at the wrong number.

I guess, it was her excitement that made her call at such an “unholy” hour. She just wanted to say that our former Consultant was very interested in offering me a job back home in the Philippines. Well, this was not something surprising for me anymore as I had communicated with the Consultant about this through email in the previous days. However, what makes it significant is the date: December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

And to think, that it was exactly three years from the date that I also received an unexpected long distance call in the middle of the night announcing the offer of a job. Way back in May 2007, I had informed my boss here in Dubai that I was resigning and ending the overseas contract work that I intended to last only for a maximum of three years. February 24, 2008 will mark the end of the three years.

• Coincidence?

I have heard it said in the Charismatic Renewal Movement, of which I was and am now again a member, that when God gives us a message, it will be confirmed.

These are the confirmations, as far as I’m concerned. They come in the form of quotes:

(1) “Coincidence: a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.
“… I love coincidences because I totally don’t believe in them. No, really! I have come to believe that God has ordained every day, every moment of our lives from creation. (Some might argue that if that’s true, He can’t hold us accountable for our choices. Well He CAN and DOES).
“So when ‘coincidences’ happen, I look for God. He’s there. I think I can safely say He’s ALWAYS there.”
- Michele Bartholomew* (2007 Dec 3). “Availeth Much.”
*Michele left a comment in one of my blogs (dated December 5, 2007 but which I only saw today, December 9, 2007) and invited me to view her blog and I read this comment quoted above which I took note of (I also invite you to read her very interesting personal experiences of god).

(2) For one reason or another, I curiously opened my supply of weekly Vatican news from today (December 9, 2007). Recently, I’ve not been particularly religious in reading the newsletter. This weekly news was dated December 8, 2007 (the reference code is ZE071208)!!! In the Interview portion, recently elevated Andre Cardinal Vingt-Trois, 65-year-old Archbishop of Paris, and President of the Episcopal Conference of France (NB: Lourdes is in France, the site of the apparition to St. Bernadette Soubirous where Our Lady revealed herself as the “Immaculate Conception” on March 25, 1858) was interviewed, and I quote:

Zenit: “You finished writing a book titled ‘Les Signes que Dieu Nous Donne’ (The Signs that God Gives Us). Many don’t believe in signs. What do you say to that?”

Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois: “The signs are there for those who have eyes to see them. For others, they are events that are neutral or without meaning. For one who believes in the love of God the signs abound and are plentiful.”

This response of the French Cardinal is very much similar to the opening quote of the movie “The Song of Bernadette” originally filmed in the 1950s which has recently been converted to DVD format and which I saw a few days ago. It says something like this: “To those who have no faith, no explanation is sufficient. To those who have faith, no explanation is needed.” The parish priest of Bernadette who was most skeptical at the start was quoted to have said this towards the end of the movie.

PS: I do not consider these personal sharings as absolute truths, but they are personal and sacred to me. I guess, only time will tell the “objective” significance they will have for me.
For now, I rest in the assurance that we have a Mother in heaven who watches over us, her children, very closely and lovingly for the sake of her son Jesus, our brother and friend.
Let us draw close to her and remember that “never was it known that anyone who fled to her protection was left unaided”. Mama Mary, pray for us. I love you dearly!