Saturday, March 12, 2022

25 March 2022 (annunciation) pope francis consecrates the world esp russia & ukraine to the immaculate heart of mary

by dr taylor marshall (2022 March 12)

>historical significance of MAY 13.

--May 13, 609 Pope Boniface IV consecrated the pantheon (temple of all roman gods = demons) to the Blessed Virgin Mary & all the martyrs & installed a statue of Our Lady with panageria (victorious eulogy)

>USSR Communism has spread to China (1949), N. Korea, Vietnam, Cuba

>Dx: pantheon = Russia

>Tx: consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  (with penance, conversion, first 5 Saturdays devotion for reparation)

the pope confesses during the penitential rite before hearing confessions himself during the consecration mass